Filled with Fullness: Does God get better at stuff?


My oldest daughter comes to life right before bedtime!

Seriously, for some reason she becomes chatty Cathy as I’m trying to finish the routine and make my exit downstairs to play on my phone.

But I’m starting to see this as an opportunity – a gracious gift to engage the heart and mind of my 10 year old daughter.

Last night she asked me if God gets better every day, like an athlete gets better at a sport, or an artist gets better at his craft. She asked this question because I quoted James 1:17 as I prayed for her…

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

God doesn’t change. He’s the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (that’s from Hebrews 13:8).

I was ready to collapse on the couch and watch the Broncos-Patriots game,  so I tried to answer as efficiently as possible: God doesn’t get better because he’s always the best.

He’s the best at patience.
He’s the best at forgiveness.
He’s the best at creativity.
He’s the best at joy.
He’s the best at giving gifts.

This satisfied her curiosity, and I kissed her goodnight.

And then, God – as he often does to us parents –  used this brief distraction, um…I mean, interaction, to invite me to consider this truth for my own soul.

I woke up this morning and found myself in the Gospel of John, chapter 1:

(14)And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (16) And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.

Jesus came into this world full of grace and truth, and from that fullness I have received…

There is no greater measure than full. To put it back in my conversation with Annie, Jesus is the best at grace and truth.

And he doesn’t keep it for himself. He gives it to us.

In Ephesians 3:14-19, the Apostle Paul prayed a powerful prayer for his readers:

…that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

This is my prayer for the Christmas season. I’m praying this for myself, my family, and for Two Rivers Church Chattanooga. I’m so tempted to be filled with rich food and drink, with new gadgets and clothes, with busyness and success.

But will I have the best food? The best deals? The best performance? The best instagram pic? Will I really be filled? Maybe, for a little while.

What you and I are offered is the best. The best of grace, the best of truth, the best of peace; the best that comes out of the fullness of God’s riches.

That’s what I want for Christmas. But in fact, it’s what I’ve already been given. I just don’t use it every day. Today I’m tapping in.

I want to access the fullness of peace I’ve been given, because I’m worried about all that I have to get done.
I want to share the fullness of love I have received, because there are some incredible people in my life.
I want to laugh with fullness of joy because there are heavy things all around and laughter is so good.
I want to care with the fullness of grace and kindness, because there are people around me who are in the middle of crisis.

I hope you’ll tap in as well.

And may your Christmas season be full.

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